In most areas of Spain, Carnaval is celebrated during the week before miercoles de Ceniza (lent).
With the end of Carnaval, el miercoles de Ceniza, there is another ceremony called El Entierro de la Sardina (Burial ofthe Sardine). The "fun times" are buried because it is now la Cuaresma - a time of fasting and praying.
However..... i am not participating in lent! i just wanted to see a parade, dress up and of course another excuse to drink
It was amazing! Not only do the people in the parade dress up and with a huge amount of detail may i add, but the crowd also go to a huge effort of dressing up. I mean they don't just go buy an outfit they make them, and they do all colourful make up ...
i got to experience carnival twice, first in the city but we all got pretty bored of this one because we couldn't see too much.. ha so we bailed and went on search or a bar. Which by the way was highly unsuccessful being only 9pm, bars dont open until 11. sadly we resorted to the corner store and bought alcohol to drink at my polish friends house. That night ended pretty messy because we were offered free shots to go drink in some bar while we were walking past it.. The rest of the night we amused ourselves by throwing confetti around the bar
Altohough i couldn't make the most of it because i was sick, it was a surreal experience.
The costumes in the parade and in the crowd were amazing..the effort i mean these people spend 15months planning them. i took 5 mins just buying a costume, a kids costume mind you from a shop.
Dont mind the photo... this is after 4am in the morning
But beside that there was a hell of a lot of beautiful girls showing a loooooot of skin and boob. the boys were in awe snapping photos left right and center.
There were sooo many themes in the parade; moulin rouge, jungle, egyptian, cavemen with arms as if they ripped them off people, rockstars, farm animals with giant genitals
My favourite one...
The funniest one, was a float that looked like a crashed aeroplane, and the people were dressed up as old people with life vests on and holding pet cages FUNNY!!
After the parade there was just a massive party in the streets and on the beach, with a dj, laser lights and a lot of drunk people!!
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